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Configuring useDApp

In a moment we will implement a fully-functioning useDApp-powered dApp. We will go through the steps to connect to a blockchain, read its state and interact with it.

Before we start implementing actual features, we have to configure useDApp environment.

👉 Let's import stuff that we'll need:

import { Config, DAppProvider, Goerli, Localhost } from '@usedapp/core';
import { getDefaultProvider } from 'ethers';

Then create a useDApp config object:

const config: Config = {
readOnlyChainId: Goerli.chainId,
readOnlyUrls: {
[Goerli.chainId]: getDefaultProvider('goerli'),
[Localhost.chainId]: 'http://localhost:8545',
multicallVersion: 2
  1. readOnlyChainId - the default chainId. We'll use Goerli test network as our default chain.
  2. readOnlyUrls - RPC endpoints or provides for all chains we want to use. We'll use Goerli test network and our local blockchain node. Note that we can use getDefaultProvider from ethers to get a free provider for some chains. In case of local blockchain node we just pass in the URL - we setup a node on http://localhost:8545 in previous steps.
  3. multicallVersion - the version of the Multicall contract to use. We'll use version 2 because it provides a better error handling experience for the developer.

Please refer to the API reference for more details on the Config object.

Next we'll wrap our app in the DAppProvider component and pass in the config object. To do that replace <App /> component with this code:

<DAppProvider config={config}>
<App />

Now we're ready to start implementing actual features in our DApp!